Kresna Social Science and Humanities Research
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Data Development Running Analysis in the Process of Synchronizing Patient Reference Services One-Stop Service Oriented
The service process implemented with subsidized facilities is a tiered process. Patients must undergo a treatment process at a hospital that has a lower level prior to being recommended to a higher hospital with better facilities, of course. Today the administrative process is still running using a filing system, where patients are still using files to bring patient reference data to hospital actions. The problem that arises is that in the registration process and service actions (filing) treatment that is still done manually is a barrier for patients to enjoy the service perfectly. Patients must register manually with a file from the referral hospital. The researcher tried to make a design using the distribution of data carried out on the previous illness to be transferred to a follow-up hospital, so that patients did not need to do the queue during the registration process, and the patient's track record could be taken online by the referral hospital. The Envelopment Analysis Data will record the process and forward it to the referral hospital, so that the patient does not need to do the re-delivery and does not need to bring the file to the referral hospital. The level of accuracy of the data can be ascertained the quality, because the data is synchronized. This certainly makes it easy for patients to get time for action and convenience for hospital staff in the process of reviewing the patient's track record from the referring hospital.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The author (s) declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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19 February 2021 -
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13 February 2021